Monday, 12 March 2012

Digging Up the Past

In my humble opinion, I think that antique jewelry is one of the best fashion trends there are right now. Going back to old craftsmanship when jewelers really put their blood, sweat and tears into their work is what I love most about these century old creations. Yes, antique jewelry often has less of a "Wow Factor" than some of the more modern stuff but the thing that makes it so capturing is it's "Ahh Factor". What I mean is that it makes you intregued when you see it; probably because you know that it's had a real history and memories worth over 100 years. As I said; it's just my humble opinion but maybe some of these examples will help back me up.
Insane craftsmanship
antique bedoin jewellery 300x268 Best Choice With Antique Rings and Jewellery

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